This page will be updated with warnings about scheduled maintenance, and with information during critical outages.

Sent - This error has been sent to Vinsight Support. If the error continues, you may want to contact them directly as well.
Try going back, or opening the home page and see if it works this time.
completed - scheduled maintenance has finished and vinsight is back up and running. you can now log in at

Sun Feb 9th, 20:07

in progress - maintenance is taking a little longer than expected.

In Progress - Vinsight is undergoing required scheduled maintenance on Sun Feb 9th, 20:00 - 20:30 NZST.

Scheduled - Vinsight will undergo required scheduled maintenance on Sun Feb 9th, 20:00 - 20:30 NZST.

We are doing routine server maintenance.
Resolved - Maintenance has finished and Vinsight is back up and running. You can now log in at
Dec 2 2024, 16:00 NZST

Restarting We are doing an unexpected server restart of one of our servers that has an underlying hardware issue.
Completed - scheduled maintenance has finished and vinsight is back up and running. you can now log in at

Tue Jul 23, 2024, 06:21 NZST

In Progress - Vinsight is undergoing required scheduled maintenance on Tue Jul 23, 2024, 06:00 - 06:30 NZST.

Scheduled - Vinsight will undergo required scheduled maintenance on Tue Jul 23, 2024, 06:00 - 06:30 NZST.

We are doing routine server maintenance.
Completed - scheduled maintenance has finished and vinsight is back up and running. you can now log in at

Sun May 19, 2024, 21:21 NZST

In Progress - Vinsight is undergoing required scheduled maintenance on Sun May 19, 2024, 21:00 - 21:30 NZST.

Scheduled - Vinsight will undergo required scheduled maintenance on Sun May 19, 2024, 21:00 - 21:30 NZST.

We are doing routine server maintenance.
completed - Scheduled maintenance has finished and Vinsight is back up and running. You can now log in at

Tue Mar 25, 2024, 06:35 NZST

In Progress - Vinsight is undergoing required scheduled maintenance on Tue Mar 25, 2024, from 06:00 - 07:00 NZST.

Scheduled - Vinsight will undergo required scheduled maintenance on Tue Mar 25, 2024, from 06:00 - 07:00 NZST.

We are doing routine server maintenance.
completed - Scheduled maintenance has finished and Vinsight is back up and running. You can now log in at

Nov 15, 2023, 07:00 NZST

In Progress - Vinsight is undergoing required scheduled maintenance on Mon Nov 15, from 06:00 - 07:00 NZST.

Scheduled - Vinsight will undergo required scheduled maintenance on Mon Nov 15, from 06:00 - 07:00 NZST.

We are doing routine server maintenance.
Resolved - Scheduled maintenance has finished and Vinsight is back up and running. You can now log in at
Nov 7, 2023, 06:20 NZST

Scheduled - Vinsight will undergo required scheduled maintenance on Tue Nov 11, from 06:00 - 06:30 NZST.

We are doing routine server maintenance.
What is happening?
Some emails that were submitted on or around Oct 4th have had delivery delayed by up to 36 hours

Our mail provider has faced some technical issues causing some emails to have large delivery delays. This appears to be fixed now. (You can read about that in the issue in the incident below this one at )

What can you do?
If you use the "Send me a copy" option when you send email from Vinsight, you may be able to check your own inbox to tell which emails are being delivered in a timely fashion.

We are sorry for the confusion that this may cause.
What is happening?
Sept 19, 2023, It appears our email provider is sending some emails today that were submitted sent on Sept 7th.

2 weeks ago, we had an issue where our mail provider was intermittently failing to send some emails. (You can read about that in the issue in the incident below this one at )

We were told by our mail provider at the time that they could not identify which emails this affected, so most people will already have resent these emails at the time to compensate for these un-received emails.

Today it appears the email provider is now resending those emails from around Sept 7th, meaning that some emails from Sept 7th are being received by people today, and this is what you have seen.

To be clear, this is not Vinsight resending any emails, these are emails submitted on the 7th Sept that are now being processed and sent from our email provider.

What can you do?
This may cause some confusion so you may need to inform anyone that you sent emails to that they may receive a duplicate email today.

If you use the "Send me a copy" option, you may be able to check your own inbox to tell which emails are affected today and let any other recipients know that this is a duplicate.

We are sorry for the confusion that this may cause, but we do not have information available to us to identify which emails this has affected.
Resolved - This should now be resolved. Please contact if you are still running into problems with this
Sep 06 2023, 15:50 NZST
What happened?
From about 2023-09-04T23:00 UTC until about 2023-09-05T07:00 UTC , our email provider had some intermittent outbound emails that did not complete sending even though everything appeared to be working with no errors. This affected a small but random set of outbound emails sent from Vinsight during this period.
Why did this happen?
We wrote to our email provider (incidentally it is the same provider MailChimp uses, so normally very reliable) to find out what happened, this is what they report:
Fortunately our engineers have been able to pin point the issue and fix it, so you should not be seeing any of those issues moving forward. I'm so sorry again for the trouble caused to you and your customers throughout all of this. To give some insight on the cause of the issue, it appears that a couple of app hosts that should not have been in rotation for our relays were taking production traffic, which caused those sends to fail. We have since taken those app hosts back out of rotation, and things should have returned to normal around 12:15pm ET today.
We read this as, "some of their servers were accepting emails but not sending them" and that this was a small percentage of emails during that time.
We have asked them if they can provide a list of emails that were not sent, but they appear to be unable to do this.
What should you do now?
If you use the "Send me a copy" option, you may be able to check your own inbox to tell which emails may not have been sent because you may not have received a copy.
If you do not use the "Send me a copy" option then given that it does not seem possible to tell which emails were not sent from the email service, you may need to check with your customers or warehouses that they have received all the emails/orders that you sent.
What can you do to help in future?
Hopefully this will not occur again in future, however there are a number of other reasons that emails do not get received by recipients, eg a common one might be if a customers servers mark an email as spam.
So one thing that you can do to understand if your emails are sending correctly, is to use the "Send me a copy" option, so that you can at least check that you receive a copy of the email that you are sending. This setting is at the bottom left of the email screen:
Also you can check that this is on by default in Settings > Setup > Advanced Settings > Orders:
We are sorry for any inconvenience and disruption that this has caused.
Resolved - Scheduled maintenance has finished and Vinsight is back up and running. You can now log in at
Aug 31, 2023, 07:00 NZST

Scheduled - Vinsight will undergo required scheduled maintenance on Thu Aug 31, from 06:00 - 07:00 NZST.

We are doing routine server maintenance.
Resolved - Scheduled maintenance has finished and Vinsight is back up and running. You can now log in at
May 30, 2023, 06:20 NZST

Scheduled - Vinsight will undergo required scheduled maintenance on Tue May 30, from 06:00 - 06:30 NZST.

We are doing routine server maintenance.
Resolved - Maintenance has finished and Vinsight is back up and running. You can now log in at We needed to restart one of our servers that had an underlying hardware issue. This is fully resolved now.
Dec 4 2022, 11:33am NZST

Scheduled - Vinsight will undergo required scheduled maintenance on Sun Dec 4, from 11:15 - 11:45 NZST.

We are doing an unexpected server restart.
Resolved - Scheduled maintenance has finished and Vinsight is back up and running. You can now log in at
Nov 9 2022, 06:20 NZST

Scheduled - Vinsight will undergo required scheduled maintenance on Wed Nov 9, from 06:00 - 06:30 NZST.

We are doing routine server maintenance.
Resolved - We have identified the issue and Vinsight is back up and running. You can now log in at
Oct 10 2022, 15:00 NZST

Investigating - We have detected a large number of Internal Server Errors preventing access to Vinsight
We are investigating this issue now, apologies for any issues this may cause you.
Oct 10 2022, 14:15 NZST
Resolved - We have identified the issue and Vinsight is back up and running. You can now log in at

Our apologies, one of our servers was experiencing performance issues, which required a restart. The restart took a little longer than expected resulting in the temporary outage you were experiencing.
Sept 14 2022, 17:25 NZST

Investigating - We have detected a large number of Internal Server Errors preventing access to Vinsight
We are investigating this issue now, apologies for any issues this may cause you.
Sept 14 2022, 17:15 NZST
Resolved - Scheduled maintenance has finished and Vinsight is back up and running. You can now log in at
July 14 2022, 06:45 NZST

Scheduled - Vinsight will undergo required scheduled maintenance on Thu July 14, from 06:00 - 07:00 NZST.

We are decomissioning an old back-end server.
Resolved - Scheduled maintenance has finished and Vinsight is back up and running. You can now log in at
April 20 2021, 06:10 NZST

Scheduled - Vinsight will undergo required scheduled maintenance on Wed April 20, from 05:15 - 06:15 NZST.

We are increasing the capacity of one of our back-end servers which should help with Vinsight's recent slow periods.
Resolved - Scheduled maintenance has finished and Vinsight is back up and running. You can now log in at
May 2 2021, 11:15 NZST

Scheduled - Vinsight will undergo required scheduled maintenance on Sun May 2, from 09:00 - 11:00 NZST.
Resolved - We have identified the issue and Vinsight is back up and running. You can now log in at

Our apologies, one of our servers was experiencing performance issues, which required a restart. The restart took a little longer than expected resulting in the temporary outage you were experiencing.
Feb 10 2021, 13:20 NZST

Investigating - We have detected a large number of Internal Server Errors preventing access to Vinsight
We are investigating this issue now, apologies for any issues this may cause you.
Feb 10 2021, 13:00 NZST
Resolved - Our Australian Support Number is now back online.
Mar 24 2019, 08:00 NZST

Confirmed - Our Australian Support Number is currently out of action due to high congenstion issues in the Australian Network. Customers in Australia can either email or you can reach us on our NZ number. +64 9 974 4582
Mar 23 2020, 16:30 NZST
Monitoring - It appears that Spark have resolved their DNS issues. You should be able to switch back to now, but we will keep until at least tomorrow morning just in case.
Oct 23 2019, 14:00 NZST

Progress - Spark have said that their DNS problems should be fixed by the end of the day.
Oct 23 2019, 11:30 NZST

Confirmed - Spark have confirmed to us directly that they are having DNS issues this morning.
Oct 23 2019, 10:30 NZST

Investigating - We are having reports from customers on Spark 4G Broadband, Spark Mobile and Skinny Mobile about DNS lookup errors to We are in touch with Spark about this. In the mean time you can still access Vinsight using the URL
Oct 23 2019, 10:00 NZST
Resolved - Emergency maintenance has finished and Vinsight is back up and running. You can now log in at
Oct 15 2019, 15:02 NZST

Maintenance - Vinsight has been placed in emergency maintenance, we should be back up and running in the next 10 minutes.
Oct 15 2019, 15:00 NZST
Resolved - Scheduled maintenance has finished and Vinsight is back up and running. You can now log in at
April 17 2019, 06:00 NZST

Scheduled - Vinsight will undergo required scheduled maintenance on Fri May 17, from 05:30 - 06:30 NZST.
Resolved - One of our servers was experiencing intermittant network outages, it has been removed pending a fix.
Vinsight should be working now, as the other servers were not affected.
May 09 2019, 11:20 NZST
Investigating - We have detected a large number of Internal Server Errors happening at intermittent times.
We are investigating this issue now.
May 09 2019, 9:50 NZST
Resolved - This should now be resolved. Please contact if you are still running into problems with this.
You may need to reload your browser if you are still having trouble sending emails.
Apr 05 2019, 15:50 NZST
Monitoring - We have fixed the bug and released an update to Vinsight.
You may need to reload your browser if you are still having trouble sending emails.
Apr 05 2019, 13:15 NZST
Identified - We are aware of a bug that can stop Vinsight from sending emails, and replying with an Internal Server Error.
This was due to a failed update this morning. We have reverted Vinsight back to yesterday's version.
You may need to reload your browser before you can send emails again.
Apr 05 2019, 12:00 NZST
Resolved - This should now be resolved. Please contact if you are still running into problems with this.
Apr 26 2018, 16:00 NZST
Identified - We are aware of a bug that can stop Vinsight from automatically picking the default Unit Of Measure when entering a new line for a Purchase or Sales Order.
We are hoping to have this resolved by the end of the day.
Apr 26 2018, 10:45 NZST
Update - We have had users reporting large jumps in numbers (up to 1000) for things like Sales Orders and Winery Operations. This is a known side effect of a database server crash. There is nothing to worry about, and your data has not been corrupted.
Apr 26, 08:30 NZST
Resolved - Service has been online for 4 hours and appears stable. You may need to clear your browser's cached data if you are still having problems.
Apr 24, 13:00 NZST

What happened:

Today at approximated 12:00 UTC (23 April 2018) (midnight NZST 24th April) Vinsight went offline.

This was due to hardware infrastructure at one of our data-centres experiencing a failure, and this caused Vinsight to go offline.

Due to the timing of the incident, our initial response was slow.

Once we were aware Vinsight was down, we spent time diagnosing the issue.

Before we brought Vinsight back online we decided to do a full backup image of the affected service to mitigate further risks, and while this meant it took longer to bring Vinsight online, we felt it was a prudent thing to do. 

Once the backups were complete we brought Vinsight back online.


What we could improve upon:

We understand that our customers are global and operate in many time-zones around the world and that at certain times of the year, our customers can be working 24 hours a day.

So while we are happy with the amount of time it took to diagnose, backup and re-instate the service, we have identified it took too long to become aware of the issue.

We are working to implement systems to improve our first response times for outages that are outside of our normal business hours.


We do have a status page that keeps people up to date if Vinsight is offline for either planned or unplanned maintenance. We discovered that many people did not see this because they were not correctly re-directed to the status page during the outage.

We have identified and implemented a way so that anyone trying to go to any Vinsight page during an outage will be correctly redirected to the status page.



We understand how disruptive any unplanned outage can be, and appreciate your patience and understanding.



Simon Lampen

Apr 24, 13:00 NZST
Monitoring - We have replaced the server that went down. Vinsight should be online now, and we are continuing to monitor the situation.
Apr 24, 09:00 NZST
Update - We have determined that it is an issue at our data centre and are working on bringing the service online. Thank for your understanding.
Apr 24, 07:15 NZST
Identified - A hardware issue has been identified with one of our servers. We are investigating now. Phone support will be unavailable until we have resolved this.
Apr 24, 06:30 NZST

About This Site

Welcome to Vinsight's Service Status Page

Don't see your issue posted here? Let us know!

Vinsight Support Center

From 08:00 to 17:00 NZST (GMT +1300)
New Zealand: +64 9 974 4582
Australia: +61 3 9099 0278
Canada: +1 416 800 0916
United States: +1 415 294 8914